The current global warming paradigm shift in science is
The current global warming paradigm shift in science is

This chapter aims to foster a better understanding of the consequences of climate change, peak oil and natural hazards, and defines how their consequences may contribute to urban vulnerabilities. Rebuilding local architecture and food production, localizing energy production, rediscovering local building materials in the context of eco-tech building, rethinking how waste is managed – all of these can provide resilience and offer the potential of an extraordinary new beginning in economic, social and ecological terms.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

“From oil dependency to local resilience, the move towards more localized energy efficient and productive living arrangements is not a choice it is an inevitable direction for humanity” (Hopkins, 2008, p. The intention is to convince authorities to commit to a checklist and to work with local networks in the project, which is linked to UN-HABITAT’s World Urban Campaign on Sustainable Urbanization, and follows strategies that are similar to the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (UNISDR, 2010).Ĭentral to this paper is the concept of resilience, which refers to the ability of a system, from the individual to whole economies, to hold together and maintain their ability to function in the face of change and shocks from the outside. The campaign invites local governments to make their cities as resilient as possible under the slogan of “My City is Getting Ready”. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction launched a new campaign in 2010 entitled “Making Cities Resilient,” with the vision of creating resilient and sustainable urban communities. Istanbul, Tehran, Mumbai) and the peak oil problem since 2006 have challenged the status quo of city living, and have resulted in serious economic, social and environmental disruption. Seychelles and Pakistan), earthquakes (e.g. Katrina and New Orleans), tsunamis and floods (e.g. Greenland and West Antarctic), hurricanes (e.g. while failing infrastructure and services, environmental urban degradation and increasing informal settlements raise the vulnerability of their inhabitants. The chapter concludes by suggesting a set of urban design strategies and a list of key stakeholders as critical ingredients in the move towards urban resilience.Ĭities become generators of new risks under the threats of peak oil, climate change, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods, etc. A detailed review of existing definitions and policies related to urban resilience, as well as the role of eco-technologies and city planners in this process, is also presented.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

The objectives of this chapter are to search for new paths in the creation of resilient communities through the sustainable use of technologies to discuss the significance of equity, economy, and traditional knowledge in resilient cities to put forward a green approach that encompasses both mitigation and adaptation and to explore potential and practical ways of creating urban resilience.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

This chapter focuses on the paradigm shift towards sustainability and resilience, and particularly, how the new thinking of resilience can convert investments in urban infrastructure and development into resilient support systems, enabling both greater city prosperity and environmental regeneration. This has resulted in an urgent need for a radical and large-scale eco-technological overhaul. AbstractThe global environmental situation is in decline, and cities are at the very centre of the problem.

The current global warming paradigm shift in science is