I'd never realized that we have the ability to choose where to place our attention and, by doing so, relieve our suffering and bring more joy into our lives." - Toni Bernhard, J.D. I love reading psychology books, blogs, and articles almost as much as I love reading the Bible or any theological piece. Or, I could choose not to feed those grievances and, instead, turn my attention to the lovely time people were having right at this moment and to the love I feel for my family. This can create some happiness and is often known as the. I could choose continue to go over my "list of grievances" which did nothing but make me more and more unhappy. When working on a challenging problem, there might come a point when you finally find the solution. As I stayed in that little locked "prison," I suddenly realized that I had a choice. My mood turned so sour and dark, that I took myself off to the restroom so people wouldn't see my unhappiness. In this talk, Mark Beeman, former Chair of Psychology at Northwestern University, describes how research using. It won’t surprise you to learn that, despite subjective experience, these insights do come from somewhere, and that place is the brain. But soon that enjoyment turned to envy and resentment as I began to ruminate about all the fun I'd be missing after I left, especially at the "adult" party that my son and daughter-in-law had planned for later. John Kounios, PhD, a professor of psychology at Drexel University, discusses how this type of creative insight differs from more analytical thinking, where creative insight comes from in the brain, and how can you encourage more creativity in yourself and set yourself up to experience more of these aha moments. Such sudden insights generate feelings of surprise yet confidence the Eureka or Aha moment. Laypeople often describe an insight as a eureka moment 7, a light bulb moment 1, and an aha moment 10. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. When I got to the party, at first I was enjoying myself. Insight can also be viewed as a psychological state. Due to chronic illness, I could only stay for an hour or so. An ‘Aha’ moment is, therefore, more than just a simple feeling of joy or relief but is a special form of fast retrieval, combination, and encoding process, adds Windischberger. Choosing where to place attention. "Two years ago, I had an "aha" moment at a birthday party for my young granddaughter, Camden.